Thursday, November 28, 2013

100 Chickens and a Worm - 750 Pieces

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18x24 inches, by Ceaco.  The worm was really hard to find - I thought at first it was that grey thing wrapped around the one chicken's legs, but it is actually in one of the chicken's mouth - it is so tiny you can't even see it in this picture and my close-up attempts were all burned out.  My Mum has this one to work now, so I may try to get another shot when she puts it together!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Long Time, No Post!

I haven't posted here in almost two months!  How awful! lol
But I've been too busy with Christmas gifts to work on puzzles.
Here is the box of one that I did back at the end of October, though.
I will put up a pic a day of its progress!  By then I hope to have started a new puzzle!!!

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