Monday, July 29, 2013

Forest Animals - 500 Pieces

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This one is about 24x27, I think.  I didn't do the cm to inches math to know for sure.
By Educa, and the box says it originally came with glue and a box stand to hold the lid while you worked.  It also had an offer to replace and lost pieces for free - it's a company in Spain, I think.  Wish American companies did that!  This was a yard-sale purchase.  It will be going on eBay after my Mum works it.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


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I was enjoying this one so much that I forgot to take as many pictures as usual!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Painted Birdhouses - 500 Pieces

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Another lovely, colorful one!  My mum has worked this puzzle since I did, and has decided it needs to be glued!  I haven't done it yet though.
11x18, by Puzzlebug
Finished sometime around the same time I finished the Puzzle o'Doom, so maybe 6-24-13?  And started a day or three earlier.  Gads, I'm a month ahead on my posts! Lol!

I am putting a lot of puzzle up on eBay if anyone is interested!  There are a few already on and many more to come!
See them HERE

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cobbler Studying Doll's Shoe - 1000 Pieces

AKA the Puzzle of DOOM!

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Started - I don't remember.  Months ago.
Finished - 6-21-13
29x19 inches, by Sure-lox
Horrible, horrible, horrible!  And I have several more of them!  Maybe they won't be pixellated, though - the actual puzzle pieces were easy to work with, nice and sturdy.  Just the picture was terrible.
I think I worked one more puzzle on my kitchen table during this, then all the puzzles will be back where they belong!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Even More DOOM!

And this was the puzzle o'Doom by the evening of 6-20-13 - I only stopped because company showed up and by the time they left, I was too tired to keep going and went to bed.

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Monday, July 15, 2013

More DOOM!

This was where I got to after some work on the morning of 6-20-13:

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Back to DOOM!

On June 18th, I decided the Puzzle o'Doom had been taking up my puzzle table long enough!  So I got to work.  This is how it ended up by 6-19-13:

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Dalmatian Duo - 500 Pieces

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This puzzle came out very bright and pretty!
11x18, by Puzzlebug
started 6-12-13, finished 6-14-13

Friday, July 12, 2013


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Those leaves actually took me a little while, so I ended up taking two pictures.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Spiderman - 100 Pieces

Ah, Spiderman.  How you vexed me!

When I opened the box, these odd little papers wafted out - I picked a few up and realized, to my horror (okay, exaggerating a little!) that they were the picture part of some of the puzzle pieces!  They had come off!

I started to just pitch the thing - I paid a dime for it!  But I know our kiddo will like it - he's crazy about Spiderman.  So I took a little time and glued the pictures back to the pieces.  But first I put the frame together to make 100% sure I was gluing the right ones to the right pieces:

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I forgot to take a picture of the frame with all it's pictures glued back on, and anyway, when I took the blank ones out, more pictures came of the others.  URGH!

But here it is with the frame done, and the middle put in - more blanks!  And when I took it apart to glue them on - yet again, more pieces came apart.  It was annoying.  But it still only took about half an hour, and I haven't seen a new Spiderman puzzle at any store around here in ages, so it will be worth it for the kid.

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And here he finally is, all glued up and as shiny as I could make him:

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As a side note - a glue stick did not work. Elmers was too gloopy.  I ended up using my puzzle glue - a drop on my finger, rub it over the top of the cardboard, then very carefully position the paper and glue it down.  A few minutes to dry and they were perfect!  Just in case anyone ever needs to mend a puzzle this way!